About KhatMarouf

Assalamu Alaikum! My name is Abdul-Rahman Marouf, and I started KhatMarouf in 2017. I have been a student of Arabic Calligraphy since I was about 10 years old, but started working with my first real Ustath in the summer of 2022 in Sharjah, UAE. My first teacher was Ustath Anwar Al-Helwani, who I worked under for two years and received a Certification from. I then moved on to working with my second and third teachers; Ustath Yacoub Ibrahim Shawrieh in Jordan, and Ustath Hayder Mohsin in Dallas, both of which were students and good friends of the late Abbas Al-Baghdadi (رحمة االله عليه). as I continue to learn and improve, I realized that the best way of learning is to teach others who are still in their beginning phase"

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