Course Details/Curriculum
Part 1
The beginning of this course will go through crucial information and advice to anyone who wants to learn Arabic Calligraphy effectively. This part includes content such as: How to cut/maintain your tools, what supplies are best to use in practice vs composing, and what are the most effective ways to learn.
Part 2
The second part of this course goes through the Naskh letters in detail, Starting with the Mufradat (individual/singular letters),.
The details provided in the Mufradat chapter include measurements, angles of writing, different variations of the letters, and will brush up on the connections before the next chapter.
Part 3
Part three will go through all the connection/variations of the letters. This chapter will include short words and will prepare a student for writing sentences.
Part 4
The final chapter will be continuous, and will include writing full sentences, verses, and will specifically focus on the science of writing on the Sat’r (صتر) . This is often neglected by students, and although they write with good letters, their compositions do not come together when you complete a line of writing. This chapter will also be open to suggestions from students on any concerns or inquiries
Naskh Course
Important Advice before you begin learning Arabic Calligraphy
In this video, I will go over some important advice that I’ve recieved and found useful from my personal teachers and from other calligraphers I look up to.
In this video, I will go over some important advice that I’ve recieved and found useful from my personal teachers and from other calligraphers I look up to.